Daily/Weekly Thoughts

Saturday Morning Update: Day 2

At 1 a.m. this morning (Pacific time) Emmett was moved from Emergency to the ICU. In typical form, he would just fall asleep only to be awakened in order to get checked. It's all par for the course in a hospital. His lungs are still relatively clear. He did get deep suctioning once over night but that was all. His fever seems to have broken. When he could sleep free of interruptions he wouldn't, of course.

We will add updates here as they are available.

12:30 PST Update

Emmett has RSV - Respiratory Syncytial Virus. It is a very challenging illness for a medically fragile child. RSV will likely affect every child at least once before they're two. Well, Emmett will be three in March and this is his first bout of RSV.

RSV's first symptoms are very similar to the common cold. Fever, reduced appetite, runny nose, cough, and wheezing. Healthy people just assume that they have a cold and in a week or so they're better.

Emmett is more comfortable today. His bi-pap is being supplemented with oxygen. Josh writes that they now just wait while Emmett fights this virus!


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We are praying and will continue to pray - for sleep and healing for sweet Emmett and for peace and rest for Josh and Alisha as they watch over Emmett.